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Privacy Collection Notice

The personal information collected from this site will be handled in accordance with our

Privacy Policy

1. About this privacy policy

This document sets out the policy of KitchenAid Australia Pty Ltd (ACN 601 363 419) (KitchenAid) relating to the privacy of your personal information (Privacy Policy). KitchenAid is committed to protecting the privacy of the personal information it collects and receives. KitchenAid is bound by the Australian Privacy Principles (APP) contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the Information Privacy Principles (IPP) contained in the Privacy Act 1993 (New Zealand).

This Privacy Policy applies to all your dealings with KitchenAid whether at one of KitchenAid’s division offices, through KitchenAid call centres, with a KitchenAid advisor or via websites managed by KitchenAid being,, (together, the Websites).

This Privacy Policy seeks to explain:

  • the kinds of personal information that KitchenAid collects and holds;
  • how KitchenAid collects and holds your personal information;
  • why KitchenAid collects, holds, uses and discloses your personal information;
  • how you may access and seek the correction of your personal information as held by KitchenAid;
  • how you may complain about a breach of the APPs/IPPs or a registered APP code or an IPP privacy code (if any) that KitchenAid is bound by, and how KitchenAid will deal with such a complaint; and
  • if KitchenAid is likely to disclose your personal information to overseas recipients and the countries in which such recipients are likely to be located (if it is practicable to specify those countries in this policy).

You accept this Privacy Policy and expressly consent to KitchenAid’s collection, use and disclosure of your personal information as described in this Privacy Policy by using the Website and/or subscribing to publications or mailing lists managed by KitchenAid.

2. Your Personal Information

KitchenAid only collects personal information (being information that identifies or could reasonably identify an individual or, for New Zealand consumers, information about an identifiable individual) where KitchenAid considers it to be reasonably necessary for KitchenAid functions and activities.

KitchenAid collects personal information to service the needs of its customers including when you:

  • register your product;
  • ask to be placed on one of our mailing lists;
  • make an enquiry about our services;
  • visit the Websites; and/or
  • become a customer or debtor of KitchenAid

The types of information KitchenAid collects includes:

  • full name and address;
  • contact details (including phone, fax and e-mail);
  • your product information (warranty, product, product colour, serial number, purchase date, retailer purchased from);
  • your comments made on the Websites; and
  • your details in connection with a stockist enquiry.

3. Your Sensitive Information

Sensitive information is information about you that reveals your racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs or affiliations, membership of a professional or trade association, membership of a trade union, details of health, disability, sexual orientation or criminal record.

It is KitchenAid’s policy to only collect your sensitive information where it is reasonably necessary for KitchenAid functions or activities and either you have consented or KitchenAid are required or authorised by law to do so.

4. How KitchenAid collects your personal information

KitchenAid will solicit your personal information by lawful and fair means directly from you unless it is unreasonable or impracticable to do so.

KitchenAid will collect directly personal information:

  • by written correspondence (such as letters, faxes and emails);
  • over the telephone;
  • on hard copy forms (including registration forms, competition entry forms and surveys);
  • in person (at job interviews, in its distributor’s retail outlets and at trade shows); or
  • through the Websites (online purchases, web form submissions, online comments, or participation in a live chat); and
  • electronic systems such as applications.

KitchenAid may collect your personal information from third parties including:

  • your legal representatives;
  • direct marketing database providers;
  • sales agents;
  • the Australian Tax Office (ATO) or, in New Zealand, the Inland Revenue;
  • the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) or, in New Zealand, the Companies Office; and
  • public sources (directories, membership lists, professional and trade associations, bankruptcy or court searches).

5. Unsolicited Personal Information

Unsolicited personal information is personal information KitchenAid receives that KitchenAid has taken no active steps to collect (such as information sent to KitchenAid by an individual on their own initiative, rather than in response to an advertisement).

KitchenAid may keep records of unsolicited personal information if the information is reasonably necessary for one or more of KitchenAid functions or activities. If not, it is KitchenAid’s policy to destroy the unsolicited information or ensure that the information is de-identified, provided it is lawful and reasonable to do so.

6. Using your personal information

The main purposes for which KitchenAid collects, holds, uses and discloses personal information is to provide products, services, and information in connection with KitchenAid’s brands to interested parties.

KitchenAid collects information to service its customers and distributors. KitchenAid can use your information to:

  • provide you with further products and/or services;
  • to answer or forward any requests or enquiries;
  • inform interested parties of products and/or services offered by KitchenAid;
  • present information relevant to you on the Websites;
  • deliver or enhance products and/or services offered by KitchenAid;
  • maintain contact with you about products and/or services offered by KitchenAid; and
  • any other purpose directly related to KitchenAid work and for which you have provided consent (where it is reasonably required by law).

The Websites may require subscriptions or registrations in order to use certain services, functions or content. You will know what information is being collected via these processes when you complete the relevant forms and provide the required details prior to submitting the application. KitchenAid will collect data relating to any interactions you carry out through the Websites.

KitchenAid may also use your data to monitor for any unauthorised use of the Websites, content or subscriptions to KitchenAid’ services.

7. Purpose of collection

If KitchenAid collects personal information for a purpose (the primary purpose), KitchenAid will not use or disclose the information for any other purpose (the secondary purpose) unless:

you would have consented to the use or disclosure of your personal information; or in relation to the use or disclosure of your personal information:

  • you would reasonably expect KitchenAid to use or disclose your information for the secondary purpose and the secondary purpose is directly related to the primary purpose (sensitive information) or related to the primary purpose (not sensitive information);
  • use or disclosure is required or authorised under Australian law, New Zealand law, or a court/tribunal;
  • a permitted situation exists in relation to KitchenAid’s use or disclosure of the information;
  • a permitted health situation exists in relation to use or disclosure of the information; or
  • KitchenAid reasonably believes that the use or disclosure of the information is reasonably necessary for one or more enforcement related activities conducted by, or on behalf of, an enforcement body.

The Websites may require subscriptions or registrations in order to use certain services, functions or content. You will know what information is being collected via these processes when you complete the relevant forms and provide the required details prior to submitting the application. KitchenAid will collect data relating to any interactions you carry out through the Websites.

Privacy Collection Notice

KitchenAid Australia Pty Ltd (ACN 601 363 419) (KitchenAid Australia) uses this collection notice to set out the prescribed information in:

  • the Australian Privacy Principles (APP) contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth); and
  • the Information Privacy Principles (IPP) contained in the Privacy Act 1993 (New Zealand).

1. KitchenAid Australia Privacy Policy

A complete summary of KitchenAid Australia’s policies relating to the privacy of your personal information is available on the websites managed by KitchenAid Australia being,,, and (together, the Websites). A printed copy of the Privacy Policy can be obtained free of charge by contacting KitchenAid Australia’s Privacy Officer.

The Privacy Policy explains how you may access personal information held by KitchenAid Australia, seek the correction of the information, how you may complain about a breach of the APPs or IPPs, how to complain about a breach of a registered APP or an IPP privacy code (if any) KitchenAid Australia is bound by and how KitchenAid Australia will deal with a complaint.

2. KitchenAid Australia’s contact details

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the KitchenAid Australia Privacy Policy or KitchenAid Australia’s use of your information, please contact the KitchenAid Australia Privacy Officer at:

3. How KitchenAid Australia collects your personal information (if collected from someone other than you)

KitchenAid Australia may collect your personal information from third parties including:

  • your legal representatives;
  • direct marketing database providers;
  • sales agents;
  • the Australian Tax Office (ATO);
  • the Inland Revenue (IR);
  • the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC)
  • the Companies Office; and
  • public sources (directories, membership lists, professional and trade associations, bankruptcy or court searches).

4. Why did KitchenAid Australia collect the personal information?

The main purposes for which KitchenAid Australia collects, holds, uses and discloses personal information is to provide products, services, and information in connection with KitchenAid Australia’s brands to interested parties.

KitchenAid Australia collects information to service its customers and distributors. KitchenAid Australia can use your information to:

  • provide you with further products and/or services;
  • to answer or forward any requests or enquiries;
  • inform interested parties of products and/or services offered by KitchenAid Australia;
  • present information relevant to you on the Websites;
  • deliver or enhance products and/or services offered by KitchenAid Australia;
  • maintain contact with you about products and/or services offered by KitchenAid Australia; and
  • any other purpose directly related to KitchenAid Australia work and for which you have provided consent (where consent is required by law).

The Websites may require subscriptions or registrations in order to use certain services, functions or content. You will know what information is being collected via these processes when you complete the relevant forms and provide the required details prior to submitting the application. KitchenAid Australia will collect data relating to any transactions you carry out through the Websites and the fulfilment of your order.

KitchenAid Australia may also use your data to monitor for any unauthorised use of the Websites, content or subscriptions to KitchenAid Australia’s services.

5. Consequences to you if KitchenAid Australia does not collect all or some of your personal information

You can refuse to provide personal information. However a refusal may mean that the service you requested is not provided or products and/or services will be refused or forfeited.

6 Sharing your personal information

KitchenAid Australia may use and disclose personal information for related purposes to third parties. Types of organisations to whom KitchenAid Australia may disclose your personal information include:

  • government bodies such as ATO, Inland Revenue, ASIC, Companies Office, Australian Prudential Regulatory Authority and the police or courts (as required by law);
  • professional or government organisations; and
  • anyone to whom KitchenAid Australia assets or business (or any part of it) is transferred;
  • KitchenAid Australia’s contracted service providers including:
    • sales agents;
    • information technology service providers;
    • marketing and communications agencies;
    • mailing houses, freight and courier services;
    • printers & distributors of marketing material; and
    • external advisers (recruiters, auditors and lawyers).

KitchenAid Australia does not rent or sell your personal information to, or exchange your personal information with, third parties without your prior approval.

7. Does KitchenAid Australia disclose your personal information overseas?

KitchenAid Australia and its related entities may disclose your personal information to other third party service providers operating outside Australia and New Zealand who work with KitchenAid Australia or one of KitchenAid Australia’s suppliers, agents, or partners. KitchenAid Australia may also store your personal information on servers based overseas or in the “cloud” or other types of networked or electronic storage.

Before disclosing your personal information to an overseas third party, KitchenAid Australia will first take reasonable steps to ensure that the overseas recipient:

  • does not breach the APPs or IPPs in relation to your personal information; or
  • the recipient of the information is subject to a law, or binding scheme, that has the effect of protecting your personal information in a way that is substantially similar to the way in which the APPs or IPPs protect the information.

Personal information may be disclosed by KitchenAid Australia to other KitchenAid Australia entities and third parties in jurisdictions including: New Zealand and the United States of America. The European Commission has recognized these countries as providing adequate protection of personal information.

To make it easy for you to deal with KitchenAid Australia and provide you with a more personal and consistent experience, KitchenAid Australia may exchange and combine personal information with related entities for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy.

If your personal information is collected using a document that references this Privacy Policy, you are taken to consent to the disclosure, transfer, storing or processing of your personal information outside of Australia and New Zealand.

You acknowledge and understand that by providing such consent:

    • if you are based in Australia:
      • KitchenAid Australia will not be required to take steps as are reasonable in the circumstances to ensure that such third parties comply with the APPs;
      • if the overseas recipient handles your personal information in breach of the APPs:
      • KitchenAid Australia will not be liable under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth); and
      • you will not be able to seek redress under Privacy Act 1988 (Cth);
    • the overseas recipient may not be subject to any privacy law or principles similar to the APPs or IPPs;
    • you may be unable to seek redress overseas; and
    • the overseas recipient is subject to a foreign law that could compel the disclosure of personal information to a third party, such as an overseas authority.

If you withdraw consent, KitchenAid Australia will not rely on this consent when dealing with your information going forward.