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3 Ways to Knead Dough: By Hand, Mixer or Food Processor

Oct 17th 2024 · kitchenaid

3 Ways to Knead Dough: By Hand, Mixer or Food Processor

There are few things better than freshly baked bread. Kneading bread dough uniquely creates delectable breads that are both tender and soft while also having a pleasing chewiness and airy crumb structure. You can knead bread dough by hand or use a machine like a mixer or food processor for more even, efficient kneading. Below, learn how to knead dough three different ways for optimal bread results every time, no matter your kitchen tools.

What Does Knead Mean and Why You Knead Dough

What Does Knead Mean?

To knead dough is to turn a sticky lump of flour, water, yeast, salt, sugar, and sometimes a fat like butter, oil, or eggs into a smooth ball of dough, by evenly mixing all ingredients with repetitive pushing and pulling of the dough over several minutes.

Why Is It Neccessary?

Kneading develops the gluten in the bread flour. Gluten is a protein that forms elastic-like strands in dough that give the bread dough strength and structure but also make bread light and fluffy as it bakes. Gluten development also gives dough enough structure to be braided and shaped, as with pretzels and challah.

How To Knead Dough By Hand For Pizza Or Bread

Start with a clean benchtop. If called for in your recipe, dust benchtop lightly with flour and place the ball of dough down.

To knead:

  1. Push the heel of your palm into the ball of dough, stretching it away from you.
  2. Lift the far side of the dough up.
  3. Slightly stretch it upwards, then fold in half back towards you.
  4. Continue rolling and folding for the time specified in your recipe, usually 8-10 minutes.

It is important to check your recipe to see if it calls for a floured surface. Too much flour can create a dry, crumbly final product.

When dough is sticky, you may be tempted to add flour to reduce the stickiness, but sticky dough isn't always a bad thing. Without it, there would be no cinnamon scrolls. Some recipes, like baguettes, call for more flour and a floured kneading surface to create a drier dough to achieve the right end product.

There are many different types of flour used for baking and bread making: plain, wholemeal, pastry, bread, spelt, high gluten, rye, and many others. Choosing the best flour for your recipe is important because the protein content of each flour varies, which impacts the final product texture and taste.

How to Knead Dough in a Stand Mixer with Dough Hook

While some enjoy the rhythmic motion of kneading by hand, there are advantages to using a stand mixer. Using a stand mixer takes less time because you can mix and knead the dough in the same bowl. Machine kneading is also easier on the wrists and hands.To knead in your KitchenAid® stand mixer, you'll need to have a compatible dough hook. 

What Is A Dough Hook And How To Use This For Kneading

What Is A Dough Hook?

A dough hook is a curved, hook-shaped attachment specifically made for kneading dough. It helps gluten strands develop quickly, making for easy and thorough kneading with quick clean up.

How To Use A Dough Hook For Kneading?

Kneading with a KitchenAid® dough hook is easy. Pre-mix your ingredients, install the dough hook, turn your mixer on and watch your machine work.

KitchenAid® stand mixers use a spiral hook or a C-shaped hook, while hand mixers use C-hooks. If you need to purchase one, make sure it's compatible with your mixer.

Kneading Dough With A Stand Or Hand Mixer

  1. Mix ingredients according to recipe
  2. Remove mixing attachment: push up on the attachment so the spring is compressed, twist to unlock, and slide it off the pin.
  3. Install the dough hook: slide the hook onto the pin, push up so the spring is compressed, twist the hook, and allow the spring to decompress while the hook locks into place.
  4. When kneading yeast doughs with a dough hook, use speed 2 and knead for about 2 minutes to initially mix ingredients. At this point you may need to turn off the machine to scrape down the sides, and then proceed to continue mixing until the dough is smooth and elastic. Kneading time will vary by type of dough. Your dough is finished when it is smooth, supple and elastic. The dough ball will clean the sides of the bowl and snap back into shape when pinched or pulled. Learn more about using a dough hook to knead bread dough.
  5. With a hand mixer, you'll knead at speed 2 for 3-5 minutes until your dough forms a ball and clings to the sides of the bowl. Hand mixers canbe a convenient go-to as you whip, beat or mix the ingredients of your favourite creations with different hand mixer attachments.

How To Knead Dough In A Food Processor

  1. Mix ingredients according to recipe
  2. Turn the processor on high for 30 seconds until a dough ball forms.
  3. Flip the ball over and place it back in the processor
  4. Pulse for 20-30 seconds

How Do You Know If Dough Is Kneaded Enough?

The dough will look smooth and shiny, feel soft and springy, and will pass the windowpane test. Tear off a piece of dough and stretch it between your fingers. If it tears, it fails. If it stretches and forms a translucent rectangle, it's ready to shape into a loaf for proving or baking.

It's hard to over-knead dough by hand, but easy to do so by machine. Over-kneaded dough will be dense and rip easily, baking into a dense and flat loaf. If over-kneaded, you'll want to start over.


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