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  • Apr 29th 2015
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Choose your weapons…

Naturally you should get more sleep and wear warm clothes to stay in good health. However, you may find some of your most precious allies in your shopping cart. We recommend a selection of fruits which, when combined, will give you more strength and energy. And as an added bonus, they’ll give you a one-way ticket to the tropics.


A good source of Vitamin C, the fatigue-fighting, immunizing vitamin par excellence. When combined with Vitamin B6, its immunostimulatory benefits are enhanced. Pineapple also contains Vitamin B1, essential for generating energy, as well as copper and manganese.


High in vitamin content (Vitamins K and E, which has anti-oxidant properties, enough Vitamin C to meet our daily requirement and Vitamin B9), plus potassium and copper.

Red grapes

These grapes, which originate from Asia, have been planted just about everywhere. They have more antioxidants than green grapes (flavonoids and resveratrol), which help fight certain cellular immunological diseases, and a cardioprotective effect. Their high concentration of minerals, manganese, copper and Vitamins B1 and C make them all the more attractive from a health benefit standpoint.


A member of the Cucurbitaceae family, originally from India, cucumber is a body booster due to its anti-oxidant properties and mineral content, including copper for the production of haemoglobin and collagen, which builds and repairs tissue.

...and drink them down

For strength in numbers, here’s a Tropical Tonic cocktail! For one glass, you’ll need:

  • ½ pineapple
  • 1 kiwi
  • A small bunch of red grapes: 100g
  • ¼ cucumber

Peel and slice the pineapple, kiwi and cucumber. Remove the seeds from the grapes if they are large and put everything through the Juicer & Sauce Attachment. Use the citrus setting of your juicer to optimize juice extraction. The Medium Pulp setting will keep some pulp in your juice.

Your glass of juice is now ready to drink (350ml). Add a pinch of ginger to give your drink a delicious zesty touch.

You can also convert this drink into a milkshake by adding a half cup of milk, a source of calcium and Vitamin D to fight fatigue, and/or half a banana that you have processed in the blender first.

Take a look at some additional juice ideas for defensive health.

Bottoms up!