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  • Oct 23rd 2019
  • 0 comment


  • 10 blood oranges
  • 125g white sugar
  • Juice of 1/2 lemon
  • 6 cups raspberries
  • ¼ cup plus 2 tablespoons water


  1. Clean two oranges well, then finely grate the zest.
  2. Squeeze the oranges until you have 350ml juice.
  3. Heat 100ml of the juice in a pan with the sugar and stir to dissolve. Allow it to cool slightly, then add the remaining juice and that of the lemon.
  4. Combine raspberries and water in bowl of food processor fitted with multipurpose blade. Process until very smooth; pour through fine mesh strainer, pressing down lightly on solids trapped in strainer to extract as much liquid as possible without forcing solids through strainer. Discard solids.
  5. Combine the orange and raspberry juice together. Pour liquid into airtight container and refrigerate until thoroughly chilled, at least 8 hours.
  6. Assemble and secure frozen KitchenAid Ice Cream Bowl onto stand mixer. Turn mixer to Stir Speed. Pour sorbet mixture into ice cream bowl. Continue on Stir Speed for 7 to 12 minutes or until desired consistency.
  7. Immediately transfer sorbet into airtight container and freeze at least 2 hours before serving.

Makes 8 servings (1 cup per serving)