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How to make espresso martini in 5 easy steps

Sep 23rd 2024 · kitchenaid

How to make espresso martini in 5 easy steps

Australia's favourite cocktail—the espresso martini—is decadent, rich and packs a punch that'll fuel your dancing feet all night long. 

The key to making it memorable is using coffee from an espresso coffee machine – espresso's velvety crema creates that lush foam that makes this cocktail so dangerously drinkable.

No espresso machine? Don't worry. We've got a tip that’ll recreate a thick, delicious froth. Okay, let's jump in. We'll cover:

What is an espresso martini?

An Espresso Martini is the ultimate pick-me-up cocktail. It's bold, smooth, and packs a punch. The rich, dark taste of espresso mingles with a hint of sweetness and the warm kick of vodka. It’s a dance of coffee and booze that’s dangerously delicious.

Created in the '80s by a London bartender for a supermodel, the Espresso Martini has that stylish vibe. It’s shaken, not stirred, served in a sleek martini glass, and finished with three coffee beans on top – symbolising health, wealth, and happiness.

It's the drink that blurs the line between coffee break and happy hour. Fancy, fun, and just a bit rebellious.

Where did it originate from?

The story is the stuff of legend by now. Dick Bradsell created the drink at his bar, The Soho Brasserie, in the 1980s. A David Bowie film was being shot in Soho, so everyone who was anyone was flocking to the area for a glimpse.

His daughter, Bea, tells the story: An unnamed young model (now world-famous) strolled up to the bar and asked for something to "wake me up and mess* me up". (*Yeah, she used another word we'd rather not repeat here!)

His solution? A combination of fresh espresso from his new high-tech coffee machine, vodka, coffee liqueur and sugar. All shaken into a frothy, heady mix.

Initially called the Vodka Espresso, the drink was later renamed the Espresso Martini. Bradsell spent about 15 years perfecting the recipe, tweaking it with each menu he placed it on. The cocktail's popularity grew over time, particularly gaining traction here in Australia before becoming a global phenomenon.

Recipe: How to make an espresso martini cocktail

We’ve tried a few in our time, but this here is our favourite – the best espresso martini recipe we’ve found. It’s quick, easy, and delivers a kick to keep you going.

What you'll need

Grab yourself a cocktail shaker, a fine strainer, and a martini glass. Fresh espresso from an espresso machine is key – avoid using other types of coffee if you can (but keep reading if you can’t because we’ve got a tip that will help). 

You’ll also need vodka and coffee liqueur (Kahlúa’s a classic choice). And don’t forget ice – lots of it. Making an espresso martini is all about the chill and that smooth, creamy foam on top.

Espresso martini ingredients

  • 60ml vodka
  • 30ml fresh espresso – cooled
  • 30ml coffee liqueur 
  • Ice cubes 
  • Three coffee beans
Tip: if you prefer your espresso martini a little sweeter, add 15ml simple syrup. Simple syrup is exactly what it sounds like – a simple mix of sugar and water. Heat equal parts sugar and water together until the sugar dissolves, then let it cool. That’s it.

Step-by-step: making your espresso martini

  1. Brew the espresso. Fresh from the espresso machine is always best – this is where the magic starts. Let it cool to avoid melting the ice and diluting your drink. 
  2. Load up your shaker. Fill it with ice. Add vodka, espresso, coffee liqueur (and simple syrup if you’re adding it). Get excited – this is where the bold flavours come together.
  3. Shake it like a pro. Seal the shaker and give it a good, hard shake. You’re aiming for that signature foam, so aerate it well. The foam should be thick and creamy and hold its shape for a while. If the foam is too thin, bubbly or disappears quickly, it’s not strong enough. You’ll need to shake longer and harder.
  4. Strain it out. Use a fine strainer for a silky pour into your martini glass. You want a layer of foam on top, the sign of a well-made martini.
  5. Garnish to finish. Drop three coffee beans on top – remember, they’re not just for looks, they’re tradition. Sip, and let that smooth, creamy cocktail enliven your night.

How to make espresso martini without a coffee machine

Don't have an espresso machine at home? Don't worry. There’s a simple way to make a frothy espresso martini without using espresso coffee. Before shaking, add an egg white into the shaker (back at step 2). It will create a velvety, thick foam but is tasteless. Nobody ever needs to know.

And there you have it – you've made an espresso martini. A bold, smooth drink that's just the right amount of naughty. Perfect for kicking off an evening or capping one off in style.

Recap: How to make espresso martini in 5 simple steps

Making a great espresso martini is pretty simple once you know how. Follow these steps and get set to impress.

Start with fresh, cooled espresso. Fill your cocktail shaker with ice and add 60ml vodka, 30ml espresso and 30ml coffee liqueur. Shake it hard to build that creamy foam – the secret to a great espresso martini. Strain into a chilled martini glass and top with three coffee beans for a classic finish. It’s bold, smooth, and ready to awaken your senses.

Ready to make the perfect espresso martini at home? Discover our range of semi automatic coffee machines or learn more about making great espresso in our guides: espresso vs coffee and What is espresso?


How many calories are in an espresso martini?

Without adding any syrup and following our recipe, an espresso martini has 167 calories. If you add syrup, that will bump up to around 200 to 250 calories per glass. Whether you kick-start your evening or cap it off with dessert, it’s a delicious treat, so enjoy it in moderation.

How many standard drinks in an espresso martini?

If your espresso martini is made with 60 ml of vodka and 30 ml of Kahlua, it will contain a little less than 2.5 standard drinks, according to the Australian government.

What are the ingredients for an espresso martini?

You’ll need 60ml of vodka, 30ml of fresh espresso (strong and cooled), 30ml of coffee liqueur like Kahlúa for that sweet, rich depth, and 15 ml of simple syrup if you like it sweeter. Lots of ice for shaking. And don’t forget the three coffee beans on top to garnish.

How is espresso martini made?

Start by brewing a fresh shot of espresso. Let it cool so it doesn't melt the ice too fast. Combine 60ml vodka, 30ml espresso, 30ml coffee liqueur, and 15ml simple syrup (optional) in a cocktail shaker. Fill the shaker with ice and shake vigorously – this is where the foam magic happens. Strain the mix into a chilled martini glass and top with three coffee beans. You're aiming for a creamy, velvety foam on top that holds for a few sips.

What liquor is best for an espresso martini?

Vodka is your go-to for an espresso martini. A smooth, neutral vodka like Absolut or Grey Goose works well. They mix well without overpowering the coffee’s flavour. But if you want to get creative, try a flavoured vodka – vanilla or caramel vodkas add a subtle twist that complements the espresso. And, of course, don’t forget your coffee liqueur.

How do you make an espresso martini at home without a coffee machine?

No coffee machine? No problem. Make your 30 ml of coffee whichever way you have on hand. Just make sure it's strong and bold, like a fresh espresso shot. Once you've got your coffee sorted, mix the drink up as usual, but add an egg white into your shaker: 60ml vodka, 30ml of your makeshift espresso, 30ml coffee liqueur, and 15ml simple syrup if you like it sweeter. Lots of ice, of course. Shake hard to build up that foam, then strain it into your glass. The egg white will create a thick, velvety foam – voila!



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